Lucid Meetings makes it easy to create and retain a full history of your meetings. The system creates the meeting record as you and your team take notes, assign action items, and reach decisions.
When you end your meeting, the meeting record is waiting for you, already formatted. You can then send the record via email or export the record to Word, PDF, or HTML and modify, store, or send the record to others.

Meeting Record: Record Tab
A full Meeting Record includes:
- Meeting notes
- Action Items, who they are assigned to, and due dates
- The agenda
- Attendance record
- Chat messages
- Meeting log
- Reference documents or presentations
- Smart list contents
- Tags used in the meeting
Once a meeting has ended, you can edit the meeting notes by selecting the Notes Tab then clicking Edit in the top right corner. When you're finished, select Done editing.
When the notes are ready for sending out, you can share your meeting information with others in multiple ways. See Share Meeting Results for details about how you can share via email or export meeting records from Lucid Meetings.
The Meeting Home page, with the Records and other tabs, is always available to all meeting attendees and members of the meeting room for later review.
Related reading: The Anatomy of Meeting Notes That People Will Use blog post