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You can find an overview of Introduction Meetings in Chapter 30 of Where the Action Is. These resources will help you plan, run, and troubleshoot the specific Introduction Meetings your team needs.


An Introduction Meeting is used to determine whether the people involved wish to create a relationship and work together again in the future.

Questions Answered

  • How might we work together in the future?
  • Are we interested in meeting again sometime?


  • Job Interviews
  • First Meeting Between Professionals
  • Sales Pitches
  • Sales Demos
  • First Meeting with a Potential Vendor
  • Investor Pitches


  • Learn about each other.
  • Decide whether to continue the relationship.

Work Outcomes

  • Possible access to new resources (employees, partners, knowledge).
  • New sales (or investment).

Human Outcomes

  • A new relationship.
  • Broadened horizons.
  • A possibility for advancement.

Meeting Agenda Templates and Guides

How to Run a New Leader Introduction Meeting

Paul Axtell - Establishing a relationship with your new group or team is simple, common sense, and straight forward. In many organizations, it’s a missing piece in the puzzle called working together. The facilitator's guide for this meeting agenda template walks you through: Getting to know each person in a way that allows... [ more ]

Glossary of Meeting Terms

General Term

An Introduction is a formal presentation of one person to another, including the exchange of names. Meetings that involve people who don't know each other often start with introductions, which may be as simple as...


Virtual icebreakers are team-building exercises conducted during a meeting with attendees that are not in the same location. They help your team make a human connection, and can be especially useful when you run...